Farm Life

I grew up in Somerset and I have to admit that I never truly appreciated its picturesque countryside when I lived there. I often bemoaned the lack of things to do (i.e. shops), and complained no end whenever it was suggested we go on a Sunday afternoon walk. Continue reading “Farm Life”

A Guide to Finding Sewing Inspiration

Despite the creativity that sewing my own clothes affords, I still find myself stuck in a sewing rut sometimes, making similar things over and over again – or, on the other end of the scale, making things I wouldn’t usually wear and ending up, surprisingly enough, never wearing the finished garment I’ve spent so long putting together.

I like to think I’ve got better at this (I still wear and like everything I made last year, which I consider a win), partly because I’ve developed more of a sense of my preferences (by doing the things I’ve listed below) and partly because I’m more particular about the fabrics and patterns I use now than when I first started sewing. Here are a few of the ways I ensure that I sew what suits me whilst still keeping things varied. I’d love to hear your tips on this too. Continue reading “A Guide to Finding Sewing Inspiration”

2014: A Year in Sewing

All in all, I’d say 2014 wasn’t a bad year in terms of projects completed, although I didn’t quite manage to make everything I wanted to (who does?). I’ve learned new skills and made plenty of mistakes along the way – sewing can be annoying as hell, but for some reason I just can’t stop.

These are a few of my favourite creations from this year – I aim to make clothes that I’ll enjoy wearing and want to keep for a long time to come, and all of these are still hanging in my wardrobe, so I must’ve done something right. Here’s to another year of lovely things made and errors learned from.

The Men’s Shirt Refashion

Men's Shirt Refashion Skirt

When my boyfriend was clearing out his collection of shirts, I swooped in a grabbed a few in the hope I might do something with them. I’d never tried refashioning anything before, so I kept it simple, and the resulting skirt has become one of my wardrobe staples. Continue reading “2014: A Year in Sewing”